DLT Header Registration

DLT Header Registration

What is a Header ?

Header is a unique 6-digit string created by an entity for sending commercial communication. Header should be connected to entity’s business category and relevance.

What are the allocated number series for transactional, promotional and service communication through voice?

As per the regulation, number series for different types of commercial communication via voice are as follows:

  • “140XX” for sending promotional messages.
  • Fixed line number series (‘040’, ‘044’, ‘022’) for sending transactional/ service messages

What is the procedure for header registration?

Header is a unique 6-digit alpha string assigned to an individual, business or legal entity for sending commercial communication. Special characters such as @, $, %, &, etc. and blank space (“ ”) are not allowed.

Every principal entity or telemarketer on-behalf of principal entity need to register header with access providers as per the procedure below:

  • Login to the Trubloq using Telemarketer/Principal Entity login credentials
  • Go to SMS headers-> Add header in header page.
  • Fill the requisite details such as content category, sender ID / header and provide details of sender.
  • Submit the request for approval and make payment through available payment modes.
  • Header registrar will validate and verify details provided by the telemarketer/Principal Entity within 60 mins.
  • On successful registration, the registrar will approve, register the header on the DLT Platform.
  • The registrar function will communicate successful renewal or any discrepancy i.e. missing document or incorrect details with the applicant on the registered e-mail and mobile number in the defined TAT (72 hours).